Sunday 31 May 2009


It was the Edinburgh Marathon this morning so we set off early on bikes to try and photograph our Portobello team-mates. We had some success and the best of the Porty photos will be on PRC website before long. Thought I'd put a few more up here.

You'd think having both done the marathon last year we would have known the course but it shows how we're getting older or that running doesn't make you any brighter - at least not at the time - as there was a fair amount of argumentation about where to go. We did get to a good enough stance just before the dog-leg as perhaps the 2.50 - 3 hrs people were running back towards Musselburgh. I'm sure we missed lots of people though.

It was quite hypnotising staring into the runners trying to pick out people we knew and I went off into a trance a few times. At the risk of stating the obvious a lot of people looked uncomfortably hot.

I really enjoyed having the bike out. I've been think about using it as supplementary training for a while as its low impact and its primarily my feet and achilles and heels that seem to be suffering from running these days. We couldn't have had a much nicer day for it. It was cool on the bike and the wind didn't seem particularly strong in any direction.

31 miles in 2hrs 45 mins and I think my legs will be okay tomorrow!


Stuart said...

Thanks for the support on the course - and thanks for the photo! Sadly that was the happiest I was all day, as about 2 minutes after that photo was taken I had a bit of a run in with the tarmac :-(
Cuts and grazes should be healed in time for the Porty Prom race in a few weeks.

Yak Hunter said...

I think Peter's got better photos that he's going to tweak. We read your blog last night and thought that we might easily cry if you weren't going to! Total bummer. Next time though!
We're going to do Loch Ness. Maybe see you there.