Saturday 28 February 2009

Run in the Park

Recovery continues. I had intended to go for a longer run today but the reality on waking was achy limbs, tiredness and a raised pulse. (50 instead of 45) Peter and I went for a run mostly off-road round the perimeter of Holyrood Park and Arthur's Seat and threw in a round of Hunter's Bog at the end as we were enjoying ourselves and to take us over the hour. My legs definitely appreciated running on short grass rather than tarmac and though at first my knees were hurting a bit on the downhills, everything seemed to stretch out and become more supple as the run went on. I realise I have been neglecting and forgetting about the off-road stuff.

I am now blogging when I should be stretching so better go.

7.12 miles at 9.34 pace bringing my weekly mileage to just under 55miles.
Picture of Arthur's Seat stolen randomly off the www.

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