Saturday 4 October 2014

Well timed neuroticism on a wet day

It was forecast to rain hard pretty much all day until 6pm or so, so I thought I might as well get out a run early and get it over with. But in the meantime I'd put a wash on and started to worry about leaving it on and leaving the house. "What if it floods the neighbours and I'm out and they have to break the door down and we have to pay out from our insurance again" I thought to myself, and realised I was trapped indoors until pretty much noon. This doesn't work well for me because I'm starving hungry by noon, but I staved it off with some rice-cakes and went out after my wash was done and hung up.

As it happened, that was the end of the rain. I was overdressed, as I had a long sleeve top and a waterproof layer on. The top layer had to come off pretty quick and for most of my run it was too warm. I'd taken the old camera thinking I might get some nice watery shots but it wouldn't be great for the camera.

Nothing much to say about it. The water of Leith was very high. I stopped to take pictures and perfect strangers came up to remark to me just how high the water was. "Isn't it high!" I agreed, "Amazing!". I felt like I was trapped in some slow sit-com set in the 50s. But what can you do. Actually you can run off. Which I did.

12 and a half miles. Nice easy slow run. Vegetarians look away now. By the time I got home I could have eaten a sheep's internal organs. So that's what I did. I'd been reading about how good liver is for you and I thought fondly of having a big fry up of liver and onions with my dad when I was a little'un. That would have been the last time I ate liver, apart from in a Fray Bentos pie. I mentioned this to Peter and he made choking, vomiting noises, so I thought since he was away at the Dunbar 10 miler I would have a secret liver dinner. But he got in 2 minutes after me. And after calling me a werewolf as I threw the bloody organs into a smoking pan, he had some too. Delicious.


Gnarls said...

I have fond memories of eating liver as a kid too, now I want some. Great photos of the water levels.

idleage said...

love the pix (as always), especially wee shore birds, very nostalgic, but it would be right fine to have some explanatory titles (yes, I know how sad that is)