Saturday 18 January 2020

A poem from Feverland, and then the next day.

I emailed myself some notes of what was going through my head during my day of fever just in case I ever wanted to blog it. Here it is in its original form. I can't be bothered to expand upon it.

Red eyed man on the balcony
Ebola and they shoot Peter
Home on a jumbulance
My arms and legs hurt
I had a banana and a coffee and when I took my turn at Scrabble I had to lie down again
I hate vegetables and rice now

The next day I just really wanted to get out of bed and get outside. My back hurt. I felt dizzy and queasy but nothing like where I had been, so we went for a local adventure up the hill to La Orotava.

Let's just do the pictures.

9am, the sun comes over the mountain.

and spreads its rays around

In El jardin botanico

On the way up the road to La Orotava

Oh yeah that's right Christmas....

I didn't have the patience for these things chrysanthamum blues or something, fluttery, scruffy, wouldn't settle. I preferred the over-view.

Carpy diem

Oh yeah that's right Christmas


Eat your heart out David Lynch, I'm the wee midget man.

We walked 7 hilly miles up to La Orotava and back but if you're feeling a little sensitive there are worse places to go for a wander around.

Next up......back into the hills to Erjos!


Louise said...

Carpy diem = Seize the fish??

idleage said...

I think the ladder is for you to escape the pigs