Monday, 1 October 2018

Mournful Monday

Nothing in particular you understand. Just the grey weather and the autumn settling in and the geese calling their regretful farewells as they pass overhead....sigh.

I was on a course all weekend. In the tradition of PB let's say it was a hockey and speed-reading retreat. I had today to recover. I had not run since Friday - in fact I had been sitting on my arse since Friday - and I'd been in town and indoors most of the time, so despite Peter's protests that I should maybe give him a run to work with his ladders, I headed out of town, pausing only at Telferton to pick up the parcels they couldn't deliver. I had no idea what was going to be in them. I've got a habit of ordering books. No prizes for guessing what must have been on my mind when I ordered these ones!

Lookout everyone. I'm going to find out how to run fast! At last!

It was nice to be out but the mournful geese did fly overhead. "Shut up Geese, you say the same thing every year" I told them.

It wasn't very light.

Not even any naked men in the dunes today.

Only a hairy Columbus for company.

At Maggie's Loup (I think that's what it's called) it occurred to me that the last time I was here on my own I still thought I was training for the Manchester Marathon and I sat on the rock there and took a selfie.

Here's the news for this cheery face from the future. It's not happening. You might as well get used to it. You're going to be injured all year. :-(

Look at these pink lovelys though. I have to go and see the heart people on Thursday again so I hope they don't bother saying anything weird to me. Then Dunbar 10 miler on Saturday. :-).


Hillandglen said...

It's Happy Hellos from the geese. They're here for their Scottish Winter holiday! Honk-honk.

Yak Hunter said...

Oh that's good news Hillandglen. Just shows how wrong you can be. Where were they before?