Since my last blog, which was written in August but not posted, my knee has been continuing to get better. I've had it a couple of walks up Arthur's Seat and each time it is less awkward on the uphills and the downhills. I tried a few more running steps but there's just a bit of a shock in it and since I've not run for so long it seems like I might as well wait a bit longer and see if we can get it so it actually doesn't hurt.
Meantime we are suddenly in the middle of a heatwave.
On Tuesday I was free and the sun was shining and the wind was coming from the East so it seemed like I needed to head East. I've been continually trying to reduce the amount of stuff I carry with me while still having enough to effect a self-rescue - like bike tools and a phone and at least one camera - and this time I also wanted to bring swimming stuff - just in case.
I set off using the start of the route I'd pinched off my friend Michael, which has quirky little alternatives which cut out some unpleasantness on the way out East. This route didn't go to Gifford but about 18 miles in I knew I was within a couple of miles of Gifford so diverted there to the Lanterne Rouge for a scone and a cup of coffee.
I go easy on the coffee these days so when I do drink it I feel it. It hit the spot. I think I thanked the woman who served me too vehemently because she looked a bit taken aback. The caffeine will make itself known. Now buoyed up with enthusiasm, I resumed my adventure.
Eventual route was Gifford - Tyninghame - Gullane - home.
Whether it was the coffee, or the bright sun with cool breezes, the beautiful scenery, the freedom, the whizz whizz whizz of my tyres on the road, or all of the above, I hit a delightful groove and was enjoying every minute.
I had promised myself a stop at the cafe at Tyninghame if I wanted because last time I did this part of the route I had a rather sad sandwich under a tree in the rain in East Linton and then just 5 miles down the road at Tyninghame people were sitting at tables drinking tea in the sunshine. This time I felt no need to stop though so pressed on. Instead of heading inland to avoid North Berwick I decided to go the coastal route through NB, Dirleton and then see if I could find the courage to go a swim at Gullane. I had packed my swimming stuff in an old bum bag and strapped it securely over my lock on the rack at the back and this arrangement worked very well.

The logistics of trying to get changed at the beach using only the cover of one of these small camping towels without frightening any children were taxing and getting in the water was comparatively easy. The water was nice and it was a shame I couldn't really do it justice by going a proper swim but I was already pushing it. It just seemed like since we were going to have a pocket-sized summer squeezed into one unlikely week in September, I should do as many summer things as I could manage.
I had a tail-wind all the way home so the last 20 miles or so were a breeze. I arrived home feeling very pleased with myself with just shy of 65 miles under my belt.
Since this had gone so well I decided it was time to tackle the Talla Circuit which I had again pinched from Stewart Whitlie off Strava. It had looked like a gnarly, hilly, scenic 50ish miler, starting and finishing in Peebles. I had been biding my time and waiting for the right moment to attempt it. There were a few practical problems to address before going - like emptying the back of the van which has been turning into a shed in the last year or so. Peter had a large moth trap stored in there! There were also old car parts which are probably no use but might be. Anyway, I did a bit of clearing, and Peter, rather reluctantly, agreed to come too. I have been feeling massively enthusiastic about the cycling just because it's been getting me out and about and discovering new places and it feels like I can finally get some of the buzz that I used to get out of running - but he still has running, so I can see his point. Also he's got an end of the summer, end of butterflies wistfulness about him at the moment.
Off we set yesterday morning with the bikes in the van and headed for Peebles.
Talla Circuit - a 49 mile circuit with a nasty 7% climb!
It was after midday by the time we got parked up in Peebles and where it had been warm in Edinburgh, in Peebles it felt really hot. The sun was baking down. It had been a while since breakfast. It didn't feel like the optimal time to be setting out on an adventure, however set out we did. I also felt a bit responsible because I'd urged Peter to come with me telling him we'd have a great time, which is a dangerous thing to promise, because you never really can tell. I was reflecting a few days before that I've cycled close to 2000 miles this year and never got a puncture so - well getting punctures is just part of cycling, bound to happen. In the first 5 miles I noticed my front tyre was singing a different tune on the tarmac and then soon after that realised that was because it was going down...Boo... no need for panic because we had all the stuff with us - but it didn't seem like the best of omens. My tyres were hard to lever off and it was a bit of a faff. It was sweltering. After a bit of swearing and straining we were back on the road.

The road was busy-ish for a while and the heat was making it feel like hard going - but when we came to the turn off for the Talla Reservoir things improved immediately and substantially. I had never even heard of Talla before Stewart had posted his bike ride and it's always amazing to find something new quite close to home. Because of the sun, I guess, there was a fair bit of traffic - quite a few motorbikes, some cars, some motorhomes, one or two cyclists. I knew there was a HARD CLIMB ahead at some point but hadn't studied the map that hard and didn't have a sense of where it was going to be.
Peter's picture of the climb. He abandoned the climb because he wanted photos. I abandoned it because my legs wouldn't go round any faster on my granny ring,

We saw the climb ahead with a silver car making its way really slowly down it. I wanted to wait until it was out the way so we'd have a clear run at it but Peter kind of urged me to get a move on and I caved. The guy in the car was really taking his time. Being a runner I don't have cleats on my bike or any of that jazz, but old fashioned cycle clips. I had to get past this boy in the silver car and he'd only left me 6 inches of tarmac and then he stopped his fecking car to say to me "I hope you've got plenty of gears on your bike". I didn't have space and took a foot out a clip in case I had to put a foot down. I got past him but I never got my foot back in the clip, which has a floppy strap and is a footer. All of this is my own fault but I was cursing the guy for getting in my way right at the start of the climb. It is steep right away and there was no time for trying to get my right foot back in the clip. I went down to my granny ring too quickly which was a mistake because then my little legs had to whizz round unfeasibly fast just to keep moving forwards, and I had to keep all my weight forwards so the front wheel didn't lift off. All of this and I was just hacked off. I got up the steepest part to a green grit bin at the side of the road but then pulled over as a girl on a white racer whizzed by me breezily saying it was a terrible hill. I was glad to see her boyfriend had a much tougher time and didn't even make it as far as the grit bin. If I'd thought I might have gone straight back and tried again because now I think I have to go back just to go all the way up the hill without stopping.
Anyway - it was good at the top. After a breather I carried on and it was never as bad again and then we were treated to a long, long, fast downhill past loads of bodies of water - whether they are connected or separate or all Talla or all have different names I don't know, and a better person would google it and find out. Maybe you are that better person! Then you could tell me.
So anyway. It was hot and the middle section was great, but then getting back to Peebles started to feel hard. We were both pretty much out of fluids. We had brought sandwiches and ate them at the far end of this road. I didn't really have enough saliva.
After a while on a flattish road we turned right onto a long climbing road. Peter had said how hot and dry he was feeling and as we were passing a small river at the side of the road I expected him to call a halt but he didn't - but then he did, saying "I have to put my head under that water". I went and washed my face and put water on my legs but Peter went for a more immersive experience and one which seemed to revive him wonderfully. He was in a much better mood after that and then it helped that shortly after this we rounded a corner and there was a long, long scenic and pretty downhill. There were a few more bumps in the road before finally arriving back at Peebles but I've forgotten them.
This snake was at the side of the road and we stopped to investigate, but it was dead. I would guess it was sunning itself and got run over. Such a shame. We cursed all the drivers.
At last, back at the van. I would like to do this route again on a cool morning.
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