Saturday 5 June 2021

The rest of May and a little bit of June.


Here's the rest of my photos for May all packaged up with a track called Heal from Underworld's Oblivion with Bells album.

We're still in a pandemic. Maybe we're coming out. Maybe the Indian Variant will get us. I have been working in my bedroom for a long time now.

It recently came to my notice that come November I can retire out of the NHS - albeit on a down-sized pension - a down-sized version of an already down-sized pension because I've been doing a lot of part-time work and other stuff. The plan would not be not to work but just not to be a company man any more. The idea has a hold on me. But I'm trying to be sensible and look at all my options. But a large part of me is not sensible.

It's proving to be a little tricky squeezing an estimate of what I would get out of the SPPA. They have calculators but they don't fit me. So I'm waiting to hear. Maybe it's good I have to wait. That's what I tell myself. Meantime it's constantly ticking away in the back of my head. That's why I've not been blogging. Who wants to hear all that? Certainly not Peter. He has heard enough. He impersonates a parrot and says to me "Pension, Pension, Pension". He is quite right of course. Also it's a little rich coming from butterfly boy. He was talking so much in the car today on the way to Gullane I asked him if he was doing some kind of sponsored talk. He got on board with this right away. "Talker's World!" he announced. "Fuelled by Caffeine!". I had waited for ages for him to pause so I could say something about my pension thoughts, but it just wasn't happening.

We were only 5 minutes late for Nick at Gullane, which was a near miracle given what a shambles we were leaving the house. The sudden turn of warm weather is making it near impossible for me to sleep at night. That and it being nearly midsummer.

We have all signed up for the 7 Hills again and have been doing hill training but nobody was all that intent on training today - so we had a nice 6 miler round the way. Peter wasn't very pleased at the dearth of butterflies. It was a beautiful day although sticky and hot.

New gaiters and sunglasses from the new Alpkit.

So there you have it. Looking at May's photos I realise I haven't been out with my good camera much, or out in the country much. Summer is nearly over and we are not yet saved.