Thursday, 23 February 2012

Airport Loop

On Tuesday when I couldn't be bothered with the long run I'd embarked on I thought "Why didn't you just drive to Cramond and do the airport loop?". So the idea was already kicking about in my mind when I was casting about this morning for a run de jour. Its been a windy, drizzly day so the riverbank up the Almond seemed a good idea - some protection from trees on the way up the river into the west wind and then a following wind for the 2nd half.

The sky was grey and lowering, the river was full and roaring, the wind was brisk and blowing. There was plenty going on. My shoes lit up the dark woods and showed me where to go. Another run without Peter and I'm missing having someone to blame for giving me a stitch. Near the airport I could smell aviation fuel which made me think of holidays...

7.5 very enjoyable, mostly off-road miles, then home for soup de jour. Today - Granny's Leek and Potato Soup. Because there was a bit of a queue in the Scotmid I read the back of the can and discovered it was "semi-condensed"...and that I could add half a can of water to it... news to me. So I did. The product put me in mind of Raskolnikov in prison in Crime and Punishment, eating cabbage soup;

"And what was the food to him—the thin cabbage soup with beetles floating in it? In the past as a student he had often not had even that. "

I should be off and do some stuff I suppose.

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